Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 2 After My Vulvar Vestibulectomy

Today is the day after my surgery and it's going well for the most part. I didn't take any pain meds until about an hour ago which wasn't for vaginal pain but rather from back pain. Originally I thought I had slept weird and that was causing some stiffness but then I realized the back ache is probably from the spinal anesthesia. I looked at my back and saw the 2 injection spots which were just dots with no apparent bruising. The back pain started this morning and has gotten worse all day. I took one ibuprofen around 5pm and that has helped some. I hope it feels better by tomorrow. I have done 2 sitz baths so far today: one this morning when I woke up at noon and one around 6pm. I didn't use the bag and tube this time - just the bowl that you sit in and I added warm water from a cup as it cooled off. I noticed some more blood spotting but not much and I have no pain or soreness in the area. I walked around the house today a little and just made sure to take it really easy. I had a bowel movement and tried my best not to push at all. The stool softener definitely helped. Now I'm back in bed just relaxing and doing some reading. Sitting down is awkward but is definitely doable with a doughnut pillow. Since it's not painful, I'm just doing my best not to stretch anything or put any pressure on the area. My legs are still a little shaky but I'm hoping that goes away after a few days too.

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