Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Vulvar Vestibulitis: Another Post Surgery Update

So... It's notw been around 3 weeks since my vulvar vestibulectomy surgery. I had my two week post op checkup and she said everything is looking good. She pulled at the skin 'down there' to get a better look at things which was a little painful but she said that was to be expected.

I also have still been experiencing back pain since surgery (although I think it's been getting steadily better). I called anesthesia at the hospital I went to and they said that most likely I have a bone bruise. This means that when they were putting the needle into my back for the spinal anesthesia, it must have hit the bone causing some bruising that should get better within 3 months... I was not happy about this at all. Granted it is just a little painful now, it is still quite inconvenient. I have my 2nd post op this friday and I will update again after that. Everything is back to normal for the most part. I am still doing sitz baths at least once a day and I feel the same now as I did before surgery (except for my back). I still haven't played any sports that require a lot of running or lounging as my Dr. told me to keep taking it easy in that respect.  I am looking forward to my appointment and please use the comments box below to ask me any questions...

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