Hi Everyone! Sorry it's been so long since I have posted anything. I continued physical therapy until the end of April and since then have been too busy to continue. I now do some stretching exercises a few times a week using a latex glove and a little lidocaine gently stretching the vaginal opening. Sometimes sex is 90% or more painless!!! This is great! The new lidocaine gel prescription seems to be working much better than the old variety I was using. The best (most pain free) time of the month seems to be a week after my period ends up until a week before it begins. After that it seems to be more painful and I'm not sure if that has to do with changing hormones or levels or discharge. I always put lidocaine on the irritated area at least 5 minutes before intercourse and I will just keep doing what I'm doing for now. After another month or two of really pin pointing the days when I have the most pain during intercourse, I will bring it up with my obgyn at my annual. I am fully healed from surgery and there is no noticeable difference in the area. I also am staying away from birth control pills for now and have only been using condoms which works well for the time being.
Sorry I have not been responding to comments... I set it up so I am supposed to receive emails every time someone posts but it seems many of them are ending up in my spam folder. Thanks for reading and I will update as soon as anything changes.